Walnut Wood Ring Lined With Ebony Wood, Inlaid With Gold Nuggets And Gold Filled Wire

I just love this ring! I wear it more often than any of my others just so I can share it with people I come across. The outer wood is walnut, and it is inner lined with ebony wood. The center channel of the inlay is cut out just enough so the ebony wood serves as a background where I then individually place gold nuggets. The dark wood of ebony really makes those gold nuggets stand out! I then enclose that center inlay with two strips of gold filled wire. After the inlay is done I apply a protective finish to the entire ring which makes it silky smooth to the touch. Order yours today or view more photos at:


Walnut wood ring lined ebony with gold nuggets and gold filled wire inlay
Walnut wood ring lined ebony with gold nuggets and gold filled wire inlay
Walnut wooden ring lined ebony inlaid with gold nuggets and gold filled wire
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